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Office of the Provost - Wayne State University

Well hello, April

a person runs through a puddle wearing yellow rain boots

Well, we made it to April. In the depths of January, it sure did seem like it was never going to get here. But fast-forward through the shortest month of the year, slog through March – Ides and all – and here we are at last.

This month we're wrapping up our professional development programming for the semester with a session focusing on the promotion process for non-tenure-track and non-tenured faculty. Then it will be time for the return of our Academic Recognition Ceremony, in conjunction with digital Academic Recognition Week, to celebrate the faculty and staff who have been recognized with an award this year.

Check out some of the additional professional development opportunities around campus, and from our partners, and enjoy the anticipated break in the weather.

Resources at the ready: families and faculty

Need help navigating the complexities of work/family/life balance? The Family Advocacy Network (FANs) is here to support you. Wayne State University (WSU) Gender Equity Advances Retention in STEM (WSU-GEARS) is funded by the National Science Foundation to transform the campus climate and reduce inequities for underrepresented women faculty members in STEM disciplines. Faculty are invited to meet with Faculty Family Advisors to discuss family leave, caregiver support, tenure clock extensions, and other aspects of managing work/family/life issues.

Don't forget that our one-page resource hub is always available if you need to look anything up. If you have any questions about it or suggestions for additions, don't hesitate to contact our office.

Upcoming professional development programming

Promotion for Non-Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty

a person stares up a long ladderJoin us at noon on Apr. 11 for an overview of the promotion process for non-tenure-track and non-tenured faculty, followed by a panel of faculty who recently completed the process. We'll go over how the promotion process is completed, the materials needed for packets, what to expect throughout, and how to prepare your professional record for promotion packets, after which the panel will be available to address attendee's questions.

RSVP for Promotion for Non-Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty

Coming up across campus

Remember, the WIDER/SSTEP team invites us all to a teaching conference on Closing the Loop: Giving & Receiving Feedback to Improve Learning, coming up on Friday, Apr. 8. Join speakers and faculty-led roundtable discussions to help you close the loop with fresh ideas for leveraging the power of feedback in your classroom. RSVP below:

RSVP for Closing the Loop

The Office for Teaching and Learning, in partnership with the Office of the ProvostOffice of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) and the Division of Academic Student Affairs and Global Engagement (ASAGE), is pleased to announce this year's Innovations in Teaching & Learning annual keynote from noon to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Apr. 12, featuring Dr. Bettina L. Love. Spaces for this virtual event are limited; use the link below to reserve your spot now. Please send questions to

Register for Innovations Keynote

Coming up from the NCFDD

Don't forget, our institutional membership in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) is open to anyone with a email address. Follow our instructions to activate your free institutional membership. This month, they've got tips on mastering academic time management and translating your research for a general audience.

NCFDD logo